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- 1 ifx=0thenx=1:load"routines*",8,1
- 700 poke1020,2:poke1021,17:poke1022,1:poke1023,38
- 750 gosub 800 : goto835
- 760 :
- 800 open15,8,15,"i0":close15
- 820 open2,8,2,"$":forx=0to156:get#2,a$:next
- 830 get#2,a$:si=val(a$):close2:return
- 832 :
- 835 poke53280,6:poke53281,6
- 840 print"[147] [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [195]olor [211]election"
- 850 print"[153] [193]fter having made your selection,"
- 855 print"you will be given a chance to save the"
- 860 print"changes, do them over, or quit with no"
- 865 print"changes."
- 870 print" [201]n order to put the changes in"
- 875 print"effect, you must press [195] [153]at the main"
- 880 print"menu."
- 885 print"[208]ress [211][208][193][195][197] [153]to change colors, [209] [153]to quit."
- 890 geta$:ifa$=""then890
- 891 ifa$=" "then900
- 892 ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thenprint"[147]";:goto12050
- 893 goto890
- 900 gosub6000:print"[147][144]":poke53281,c%(1):poke53280,c%(0)
- 1000 poke646,c%(4)
- 1010 printwt$;:fori=2to17:print"[221]"spc(38)"[221]";:next:printwb$;:poke646,c%(3)
- 1050 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next:poke646,c%(2):sys51203:goto2500
- 1055 poke2023,125:poke56295,c%(2): return
- 1060 :
- 1100 poke783,0:poke781,y%:poke782,x%:sys65520:return
- 1200 :
- 1300 :
- 2500 poke646,c%(2):print" [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [195]olor [211]election ":r%=.
- 2502 poke53280,c%(0):poke53281,c%(1)
- 2505 poke646,c%(2):sys51200:print"[198]rom here, you can select the colors
- 2510 [153]"that you find most legible for read-
- 2515 print"ing text. [212]hese colors are only ac-
- 2520 [153]"tive when you are actually reading an
- 2525 print"article. [217]ou may change the colors of
- 2530 [153]"any of the following:
- 2535 print" [212]he [194]order: ";:poke646,c%(.):print" [146]";:poke646,0:print"_"
- 2540 poke646,c%(2):print" [212]he [194]ackground:"
- 2560 poke646,c%(2):print" [212]he [212]ext [201]tself: [146]"
- 2562 print""wt$;
- 2565 print"[221] [213]se [195][210][211][210] keys/[202]oystick to move the [221]";
- 2570 print"[221] arrows, and [211]pacebar/[194]utton to exit. [221]";
- 2575 fori=1to2:print"[221] [221]";:next
- 2580 printleft$(wb$,39);:fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next:gosub1055
- 2585 x%=3:y%=22:gosub1100:print"";:fori=.to15:poke646,i:print" ";:next:print
- 2590 x%=4+c%(r%)*2:y%=23:gosub1100:poke646,c%(3):print"^";
- 2600 getk$:j%=notpeek(j)and31:ifk$=""andj%=.then2600
- 2601 pokeb,0:ifk$="[145]"orj%=1then2650
- 2602 ifk$=""orj%=2then2670
- 2603 ifk$="[157]"orj%=4then2610
- 2604 ifk$=""orj%=8then2630
- 2605 ifj%=16ork$=" "then10000
- 2606 goto2600
- 2610 x%=4+c%(r%)*2:y%=23:gosub1100:print" "
- 2612 c%(r%)=c%(r%)-1:ifc%(r%)<.thenc%(r%)=15
- 2615 ifr%>1thenifc%(r%)=c%(1)then2612
- 2617 ifr%=1thenifc%(1)=c%(2)then2612
- 2618 x%=4+c%(r%)*2:y%=23:gosub1100:print"^"
- 2620 onr%+1gosub2810,2820,2860
- 2622 ifr%<>1thenx%=19:y%=10+r%:gosub1100:poke646,c%(r%):print" ":poke646,c%(2)
- 2625 goto2600
- 2630 x%=4+c%(r%)*2:y%=23:gosub1100::print" "
- 2632 c%(r%)=c%(r%)+1:ifc%(r%)>15thenc%(r%)=.
- 2635 ifr%>1thenifc%(r%)=c%(1)then2632
- 2637 ifr%=1thenifc%(1)=c%(2)then2632
- 2640 goto2618
- 2650 x%=21:y%=10+r%:gosub1100:print" ":x%=4+c%(r%)*2:y%=23:gosub1100:print" "
- 2652 r%=r%-1:ifr%<.thenr%=2
- 2655 x%=21:y%=10+r%:gosub1100:poke646,c%(2):print"_":x%=4+c%(r%)*2:y%=23:gosub1100
- 2656 poke646,c%(3):print"^":goto2600
- 2670 x%=21:y%=10+r%:gosub1100:print" ":x%=4+c%(r%)*2:y%=23:gosub1100:print" "
- 2672 r%=r%+1:ifr%>2thenr%=.
- 2675 goto2655
- 2700 ifpeek(788)=49thenpokes+24,15:sys49158:poke56325,49
- 2702 return
- 2705 ifpeek(788)=49then2715
- 2710 sys49155:pokes+4,0:pokes+11,0:pokes+18,0:pokes+5,8:pokes+6,0:pokes+24,15
- 2715 return
- 2800 x%=15:y%=22:gosub1100:poke646,c%(3):printmu$:poke646,c%(5):goto2000
- 2810 pokev+32,c%(.):return
- 2820 pokev+33,c%(1):return
- 2830 poke1020,.:poke1021,.:poke1022,.:poke1023,39:poke646,c%(2):sys51203
- 2831 poke1020,2:poke1021,17:poke1022,1:poke1023,38:poke646,c%(5):return
- 2840 poke1020,19:poke1021,21:poke1022,.:poke1023,39:poke646,c%(3):sys51203
- 2841 poke1020,24:poke1021,24:sys51203:poke1020,2:poke1021,17:poke1022,1
- 2842 poke1023,38:poke56176,c%(3):poke56215,c%(3):poke56216,c%(3):poke56255,c%(3)
- 2843 poke646,c%(5):return
- 2850 poke646,c%(4):poke1020,1:poke1021,1:poke1022,.:poke1023,39:sys51203
- 2851 poke1020,18:poke1021,18:sys51203:cm=55296:tn=39:ft=40:f=c%(4):fori=2to17
- 2852 pokecm+i*ft,f:pokecm+i*ft+tn,f:next:poke1020,2:poke1021,17:poke1022,1
- 2853 poke1023,38:poke646,c%(5):return
- 2860 poke646,c%(2):sys51203:fori=.to2:x%=19:y%=i+10:gosub1100:poke646,c%(i)
- 2865 ifi<>1thenprint"";
- 2870 print" ":next:poke646,c%(2):return
- 2900 :
- 3000 :
- 5907 poke1020,2:poke1021,18:poke1022,1:poke1023,38:sys51200:print"[129]";:sys51203
- 5910 pokes+4,.:pokes+11,.:pokes+18,.
- 5999 :
- 6000 v=53248:r=v+17:s=v+1024:j=56320
- 6037 dimc%(8):open15,8,15:open8,8,8,"setup"
- 6038 input#8,c%(0),c%(1),c%(2),c%(3),c%(4),c%(5),c%(6)
- 6039 close8:close15
- 6040 wt$="[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 6042 wb$="[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 6060 return
- 10000 :
- 10050 poke646,c%(2)
- 10100 sys51200:print"[193]re these selections what you want?"
- 10110 print"[[217]/[206]] or [209] to [209]uit"
- 10200 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 10210 ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"anda$<>"q" then10200
- 10220 ifa$="q"then12050
- 10300 ifa$="n"thensys51200:goto2500
- 10350 goto12000
- 10360 :
- 10400 sys51200:print"[208]lease make sure side"ag"of your"
- 10410 print"[204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] disk is in the drive."
- 10420 print"[208]ress a key when you are ready."
- 10422 print"([208]ress [209] to [209]uit)"
- 10430 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$: ifa$="q"then10000
- 10435 :
- 10450 gosub 800
- 10451 ifsi=agthen10500
- 10452 sys51200:print"[211]ide"ag"not found...":fordl=1to2000:next
- 10454 goto10400
- 10460 :
- 10500 open15,8,15,"i0"
- 10530 cr$=chr$(13)
- 10540 open3,8,4,"setup"
- 10600 print#15,"p"chr$(0)"";
- 10610 print#3,c%(0)cr$c%(1)cr$c%(2)cr$c%(3)cr$c%(4)cr$c%(5)cr$c%(6)cr$
- 10620 close3:close15
- 10630 sys51200:print"[195]olor file is now on the disk."
- 10632 fordl=1to2000:next
- 10635 return
- 10640 load"custom ls boot",8
- 12000 :
- 12010 ns=2: rem number of sides to cutomize
- 12020 forag=1tons:fl=0:gosub10400
- 12022 rem iffl=1then12020
- 12030 next ag
- 12040 :
- 12050 sys51200:print""
- 12055 print"[208]lace [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [211]ide [207]ne in your drive"
- 12056 print"and press any key to return to menu.":poke198,.
- 12057 geta$:ifa$=""then12057
- 12060 open15,8,15,"r0:custom ls boot=custom ls boot":input#15,er:close15
- 12061 ifer<>63then12050
- 12070 print"[210]eturning to [195]ustomization [205]enu"
- 12080 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke0,47:load"custom ls boot",8